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        SLA-FADouble shaft center winding and slitting machine

        2019-03-27 1740


        Double shaft center winding and slitting machine

        Biaxial Center Winging Machine

        Applicable material

        Flexible package for composite film


        ·Max unwind width1100~2400mm

        ·Without shaft core type volume 1400mm

        ·Wax Unwind Diameter 600mm

        · ·Blade and Blade Groove of shaft cutting

        ·Max machine speed 350mmpm

        ·Auto Tension Control System

        ·Upper and lower shafr, double work

        center book take

        亚洲国产高清在线精品一区_国产AV无码专区亚洲AV果冻传媒_欧美 亚洲 一区二区三区_中文字幕在线日韩6页
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